State Articles


629. POLITICS: Bad News and Bad Journalism Sell Today 18 July 2024
628. UNDECIDED: The World Deserves Better than the U.N. in 2024 11 July 2024
627. ISRAEL: Facts of Life for Israel and the Jewish People in 2024 27 Jun 2024
626. GOVT: Lessons Never Learned by Advocates of Socialism 06 Jun 2024
625. GOVT: The Truth About America’s health care Costs 30 May 2024
624. ISRAEL: Some Nations Help - Others Hinder 23 May 2024
623. UNDECIDED: Smart Bombs and a Dumb President 16 May 2024
622. UNDECIDED: Right to Shelter 09 May 2024
621. ISRAEL: Once Again, Jews are Left to Save Themselves 02 May 2024
620. POLITICS: A Jew With a Voting Problem 25 APR 2024
619. ISRAEL: From the Luftwaffe to the IAF 18 Apr 2024
618. ISRAEL: Once Again, Jews are Left to Save Themselves 11 Apr 2024
617. WHATEVER: A Memorable Baseball Game 04 Apr 2024
616. ISRAEL: Biden Is Deserting Israel 21 Mar 2024
615. POLITICS: This Is Not the America I Knew 14 Mar 2024
614. ISRAEL: Israel Must Decide on When and How to End the War – Not the Anti-Israel Bystanders! 07 Mar 2024
613. POLITICS: Give Me the Most Qualified – Period! 29 Feb 2024
612. ISLAM: Not All Muslims or Arabs are Terrorists 15 Feb 2024
611. ISRAEL: Brain-dead or Antisemitic 08 Feb 2024
610. SUGGESTIONS?: Yad LaKashish, Doing Good and Doing Right 06 Feb 2024
609. SUGGESTIONS?: More Gun Law Stupidity 25 Jan 2024
608. SUGGESTIONS?: “I” Stood for “Intelligence” and for “Investigation” 18 Jan 2024
607. WHATEVER: Give Me Back the TV of Yesteryear 11 Jan 2024
606. ISRAEL: When Israel Was Palestine 04 Jan 2024
605. ISRAEL: The One-State Solution 28 Dec 2023
604. ISLAM: Gaza After Hamas 21 Dec 2023
603. UNDECIDED: No to Town Flying Israel Flag 14 Dec 2023
602. POLITICS: The Other Side of the Story 07 Dec 2023
601. SUGGESTIONS?: Guns are the Leading Killer of America’s Children 23 Nov 2023
600. SUGGESTIONS?: Outdated and No Longer Relevant Laws and Requirements 09 Nov 2023
599. POLITICS: Poor Defenseless Donald 02 Nov 2023
598. ISLAM: Finish What Samson Began! 26 Oct 2023
597. ISLAM: "Islam – The Religion of Peace and Tolerance? 19 Oct 2023
596. SUGGESTIONS?: "Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow" and Memories 12 Oct 2023
595. POLITICS: Donald Trump is a Sleazeball 05 Oct 2023
594. ISRAEL: Anti-Semitism in Modern America's Colleges and Universities 28 Sep 2023
593. UNDECIDED: Let’s Handcuff the Criminals – Not the Police 21 Sep 2023
592. UNDECIDED: America, the Land of the Lawsuit and the Home of the Lawyer 14 Sep 2023
591. UNDECIDED: Stop What Divides Us (Continue What Unites Us) 07 Sep 2023
590. ISLAM: “Palestinians” Fear Baby Cows Bought to Israel 31 Aug 2023
589. UNDECIDED: I’m Freezing! 24 Aug 2023
588. ISRAEL: For Jews, Success Breeds Jealousy 17 Aug 2023
587. SUGGESTIONS?: Salary Caps Needed in Professional Sports 10 Aug 2023
586. UNDECIDED: Living the Unaffordable Life 03 Aug 2023
585. UNDECIDED: A Birth Certificate is a Certificate of Birth 27 Jul 2023
584. ISRAEL: A False Sense of Security 20 Jul 2023
583. POLITICS: When the Bill Comes Due 13 Jul 2023
582. SUGGESTIONS?: Merit Matters 06 Jul 2023
581. POLITICS: Goodbye to Freedom of Speech! 29 Jun 2023
579. ISRAEL: “Are There Good Colleges in Israel?” 15 Jun 2023
578. ISRAEL: The Promised Land 8 Jun 2023
577. POLITICS: Never Trump! 2 Jun 2023
576. POLITICS: Donald Trump, Adolph Hitler, Benito Mussolini and Other Dictators 25 May 2023
575. SUGGESTIONS?: A Jew Visits Medjugorje 18 May 2023
574. ISRAEL: “Day of Hate” Should Have Been Ignored 11 May 2023
573. SUGGESTIONS?: How I Learned to Count Backwards 4 May 2023
572. UNDECIDED: Three Georges in My Life - Little George, Uncle George and Captain George 20 Apr 2023
571. POLITICS: America Needs Voter ID Laws 13 Apr 2023
570. POLITICS: Biden China Balloon Shootdown was All Politics 06 Apr 2023
569. UNDECIDED: Sixty Years Ago, I Went On a “March” 30 Mar 2023
568. UNDECIDED: MLK Memorial Turns Me Off 23 Mar 2023
567. POLITICS: When Did National Security Become Irrelevant? 09 Mar 2023
566. ISRAEL: Yad Sarah 02 Mar 2023
565. ISRAEL: History Lesson for the Jewish People 23 Feb 2023
564. UNDECIDED: AAAA and the Order of Saint Michael 10 Feb 2023
563. WHATEVER: TV Viewers – Rebel Against All Those Commercials! 03 Feb 2023
562. SUGGESTIONS?: Crocodile Tears 26 Jan 2023
561. SUGGESTIONS?: Abolish Hate in America 19 Jan 2023
560. UNDECIDED: Stupid “Reparations” 12 Jan 2023
559. POLITICS: Let’s Return to Good Old Fashioned Election Day 05 Jan 2023
558. ISRAEL: The Road to Abu Ghosh 27 Dec 2022
557. MY STATE: Beautiful Winthrop By the Sea 15 Dec 2022
556. ISRAEL: Israel Working to Solve EV Fast Charging Problem 01 Dec 2022
555. SUGGESTIONS?: Times Have Certainly Changed 24 Nov 2022
554. GOVT: America’s Military in a Dangerous World 17 Nov 2022
553. ISRAEL: Israel Must Retake Control of the Gaza Strip 10 Nov 2022
552. SUGGESTIONS?: I’m Not Ready for a Battery Powered Electric Vehicle 03 Nov 2022
551. UNDECIDED: Americans Can No Longer Discern Fact From Fiction 27 Oct 2022
550. UNDECIDED: Cause or Effect? 20 Oct 2022
549. WHATEVER: Blacks Oppressing Blacks 13 Oct 2022
548. ISRAEL: Is the Coming of the Messiah Closer? 06 Oct 2022
547. GOVT: Our Inefficient Federal Government 29 Sep 2022
546. ISRAEL: A Visit to the Beit Hashomer Museum 22 Sep 2022
545. WHATEVER: Riley Went to Sleep 15 Sep 2022
544. GOVT: Why College Cost Will Keep Rising 08 Sep 2022
543. POLITICS: I Want to Stay a Conservative Republican 01 Sep 2022
542. POLITICS: Trump & His Supporters Believe He is Above the Law – THEY ARE WRONG !!! 25 Aug 2022
541. SUGGESTIONS?: More proof that We Need to Ban Guns – All Guns! 18 Aug 2022
539. GOVT: Why It Costs So Much to Go to College 04 Aug 2022
538. ISLAM: Time to Finally End “Palestinian” Terrorism 28 Jul 2022
537. ISRAEL: Am I a Bad Jew? 21 Jul 2022
536. WHATEVER: Energy, the Climate and the Economy 14 Jul 2022
535. SUGGESTIONS?: Gun Legislation is a FRAUD !!! 07 Jul 2022
534. SUGGESTIONS?: Gun Lovers Win Again – More Gun Deaths to Follow! 30 Jun 2022
533. ISLAM: Islamic Extremists Lie, Murder, Steal, and Oppress in the Name of Their “Religion of Peace” 23 Jun 2022
532. MY STATE: Massachusetts Should Make Sitting Bull Day a State Holiday and Keep Columbus Day a State Holiday 16 Jun 2022
531. ISLAM: Islamic Fanatics Continue to be Threat to All 09 Jun 2022
530. ISRAEL: Those Who Have Oppressed the Hebrew People Have Not Fared Well 02 Jun 2022
529. ISLAM: The Path to Armageddon 26 May 2022
528. ISRAEL: Where are Harvard’s Reparations for Jews? 19 May 2022
527. UNDECIDED: America, We are Now in Dangerous Times 12 May 2022
526. SUGGESTIONS?: America Needs to Agree to Disagree 05 May 2022
525. SUGGESTIONS?: Gun Violence - 2022 28 Apr 2022
524. UNDECIDED: Reverse Discrimination IS DISCRIMINATION 21 Apr 2022
523. ISRAEL: The Black Hebrews of Israel 14 Apr 2022
522. ISRAEL: Tiny Israeli Providing Enormous Amount of Aid to War-torn Ukraine 07 Apr 2022
521. UNDECIDED: China is Growing Stronger 31 Mar 2022
520. UNDECIDED: Signs of Weakness Only Embolden Tyrants 24 Mar 2022
519. UNDECIDED: My Family Ties to Ukraine 17 Mar 2022
518. ISRAEL: The Circassians of Israel 10 Mar 2022
517. GOVT: President Biden Fails to Show What America Stands For 03 Mar 2022
516. UNDECIDED: America Is Slipping into Mediocrity 24 Feb 2022
515. SUGGESTIONS?: Make July 4th THE Day on Which ALL Americans can Celebrate OUR Independence 17 Feb 2022
514. SUGGESTIONS?: America Doesn’t Need a Black History Month 10 Feb 2022
513. MY STATE: Boston Bicycle Lanes 03 Feb 2022
512. SUGGESTIONS?: Outdated and No Longer Relevant Laws and Requirements 27 Jan 2022
511. POLITICS: America Needs to Return to Ronald Reagan Conservatism 20 Jan 2022
510. ISRAEL: The Samaritans of Israel 13 Jan 2022
509. SUGGESTIONS?: The English Language 06 Jan 2022
508. SUGGESTIONS?: Forgetting What Made America the Greatest Nation on Earth 30 Dec 2021
507. WHATEVER: Today, Bad News and Bad Journalism 23 Dec 2021
506. POLITICS: Tapping SPR Shows Lack of Coherent Leadership 16 Dec 2021
505. ISRAEL: The Hula Nature Reserve and Agmon Hula in Israel 09 Dec 2021
504. ISRAEL: Democrats Finally Stand up to Anti-Israel Few in Their Party 02 Dec 2021
503. GOVT: Democrats and Unions Contribute to Shortage of Goods Crisis 25 Nov 2021
502. MY STATE: Ignorance is Popular with Some in Massachusetts 18 Nov 2021
501. MY STATE: The 1948 Boston Braves 11 Nov 2021
500. ISRAEL: Hate has No Place in America 04 Nov 2021
499. ISLAM: “Palestina” – What Could Have Been – What Can Be 28 Oct 2021
498. POLITICS: Foolishly Undoing Trump Successes 21 Oct 2021
497. SUGGESTIONS?: Whites Are Now the Victims of Racial Discrimination 14 Oct 2021
496. SUGGESTIONS?: eVTOL 07 Oct 2021
495. ISRAEL: Jewish Prayers and Readings 30 Sep 2021
494. POLITICS: Liberals Leading America to Ruin 23 Sep 2021
493. ISRAEL: America Must Continue its Investment in Israel’s Defense 16 Sep 2021
492. SUGGESTIONS?: Solar Electrical Energy 09 Sep 2021
491. ISRAEL: Lessons for Israel from American Abandonment of Afghanistan 02 Sep 2021
490. ISRAEL: Relations Today and Tomorrow Between Israeli-Jews and Israeli-Arabs – Good or Bad??? 26 Aug 2021
489. WHATEVER: Robocallers Thumb Their Noses at Us 19 Aug 2021
488. GOVT: The Helicopter in the U.S. Military 12 Aug 2021
487. GOVT: America is Being Led to Another Socialist Hell 05 Aug 2021
486. SUGGESTIONS?: America is Becoming Brain-dead 29 Jul 2021
485. MY STATE: Marblehead, Massachusetts – Part of American History 22 Jul 2021
484. MY STATE: Gun Violence Hits Home 15 Jul 2021
483. MY STATE: Kudos to Massachusetts Governor Baker 08 Jul 2021
482. POLITICS: Liberals Leading America to Ruin 01 Jul 2021
481. SUGGESTIONS?: How I Learned to Love Flying 24 Jun 2021
480. ISRAEL: It’s Not Only Blacks that Have a Discrimination Problem – Jews do too! 17 Jun 2021
479. ISRAEL: Jew Haters of the World Crawling Out From Under their Rocks 10 Jun 2021
478. WHATEVER: Biden’s Surrender to Environmental Gestapo Endangers America 03 Jun 2021
477. ISRAEL: Liberals Show True Colors – They Hate Israel! 27 May 2021
476. POLITICS: Democrat’s Agenda – Spend, Spend, Spend! 20 May 2021
475. ISRAEL: Don’t Believe All the Stories About Israeli Jews and Arabs 14 May 2021
474. POLITICS: What’s Happened With the Donald Trump Border Wall? 13 May 2021
473. POLITICS: Democrats Push Coercive Socialist Agenda with PRO Act 06 May 2021
472. SUGGESTIONS?: Stop Politicizing Sports! 29 Apr 2021
471. GOVT: The INFERNAL Revenue Service 23 Apr 2021
470. ISLAM: President Biden: Stop Support of Islamic Terrorism 22 Apr 2021
469. ISLAM: President Biden Rewarding Palestinian Terrorists 15 Apr 2021
468. UNDECIDED: When the Bill Comes Due . . . 08 Apr 2021
467. GOVT: Biden Right to Review Critical Item Supply Chain 01 Apr 2021
466. SUGGESTIONS?: Do We Really Want to Disregard Our Immigration Laws? 25 Mar 2021
465. ISRAEL: Terrorists, Oui! – Jews, Non! 18 Mar 2021
464. MY STATE: The Chickens are Leaving the Roost in Massachusetts 11 Mar 2021
463. WHATEVER: “Looters and Rioters Will Be Shot on Sight!” 04 Mar 2021
462. POLITICS: Can Mitt Romney Save the GOP? 25 Feb 2021
461. GOVT: Government is the Problem 18 Feb 2021
460. MY STATE: “Stupid is As Stupid Does” 11 Feb 2021
459. WHATEVER: Biden Surrenders to Environmentalist Stupidity 04 Feb 2021
458. POLITICS: Welcome President Biden – 2021! 28 Jan 2021
457. POLITICS: America's Problem isn't Capitalism - Its Problem is the Political System 21 Jan 2021
456. SUGGESTIONS?: Netanyahu and Trump - Responsible Leadership Vs. Lack of Leadership 15 Jan 2021
455. ISLAM: Moderate Muslims Speak Out 14 Jan 2021
454. POLITICS: The Rise and Fall of a Would-be American Dictator 07 Jan 2021
453. POLITICS: Will the Republican Party be Saved by Trump Defeat? 31 Dec 2020
452. POLITICS: What America’s Founders Thought About Political Parties 24 Dec 2020
451. SUGGESTIONS?: The Other Side of the Case 17 Dec 2020
450. ISRAEL: Friends of Israel – Christians, Muslims and All Honest People 10 Dec 2020
449. SUGGESTIONS?: 1984 Finally Arrives in America! 03 Dec 2020
448. SUGGESTIONS?: Why Are We Honoring Them? 27 Nov 2020
447. ISLAM: “Palestinian” Peace With Israel? 20 Nov 2020
446. WHATEVER: The Great American Libel – America is a Racist Country and the Police are Murdering Unarmed Blacks 13 Nov 2020
445. GOVT: America’s Security is Threatened 06 Nov 2020
444. WHATEVER: Where are Today’s American Patriots? 30 Oct 2020
443. WHATEVER: America – Stop Obsessing on the Past! 23 Oct 2020
442. ISLAM: Islam – The Religion of Peace and Tolerance ??? 16 Oct 2020
441. MY STATE: Massachusetts Resurrects “WOKENESS” 09 Oct 2020
440. POLITICS: STOP the 2020 Presidential Debates 06 Oct 2020
439. SUGGESTIONS?: “Tommy Touchdown” 02 Oct 2020
438. WHATEVER: There Ain’t No Justice When the Mob Rules 29 Sep 2020
437. WHATEVER: Demonstrations May Prevent Prosecution 25 Sep 2020
436. MY STATE: Like Rip Van Winkle, Massachusetts Eventually Wakes Up - Maybe 18 Sep 2020
435. GOVT: America’s Rare Earth Problem 11 Sep 2020
434. ISRAEL: Another Problem in 2020 – Anti-Semitism 04 Sep 2020
433. ISRAEL: The Bitter Fruits of anti-Semitism 01 Sep 2020
432. SUGGESTIONS?: Common Sense Instead of Mob Hysteria 27 Aug 2020
431. SUGGESTIONS?: Does Only Black Matter? 25 Aug 2020
430. SUGGESTIONS?: America’s Patriots and Heroes Were Not Saints 20 Aug 2020
429. SUGGESTIONS?: Police Reform – Throwing Out the Baby with the Bath Water? 18 Aug 2020
428. SUGGESTIONS?: Our Un-American Colleges and Universities 14 Aug 2020
427. ISRAEL: Reclaiming Samaria and Judea 11 Aug 2020
426. SUGGESTIONS?: Marxism - aka Socialism, aka Communism - Comes to America 07 Aug 2020
425. SUGGESTIONS?: Some People Get it! 04 Aug 2020
424. ISRAEL: Meeting Someone Who Was There 30 Jul 2020
423. WHATEVER: America Has Lost Its Mind! 23 Jul 2020
421. SUGGESTIONS?: 126 Years Later, The Presidency is Much the Same 09 Jul 2020
420. SUGGESTIONS?: It’s All About the Attitude, Stupid! 02 Jul 2020
419. ISRAEL: Will Today’s Anti-Semitism Save Judaism as in Bygone Days? 25 Jun 2020
418. WHATEVER: Honest Color-Blind Journalism 18 Jun 2020
417. WHATEVER: Rioters Want Mayhem – Not Justice 11 Jun 2020
416. GOVT: Canadians Like Their Socialized Medicine – Would Americans? 04 Jun 2020
415. GOVT: Who to Blame for America’s High Health-Care Costs 28 May 2020
414. GOVT: 2021 Defense Budget Poses Problems 21 May 2020
413. GOVT: Common Sense in the Time of Covid-19 14 May 2020
412. SUGGESTIONS?: Re-educating Education 07 May 2020
411. ISLAM: Israeli-Arabs Don’t Want to Live in a Palestinian-Arab State 30 Apr 2020
410. SUGGESTIONS?: The Consequences of Democratic-Socialism Are Becoming Apparent in California 23 Apr 2020
409. ISLAM: Palestinian-Arabs Desecrate Archaeological Sites to Support their Lies 16 Apr 2020
408. SUGGESTIONS?: Donald Trump and Tom Hanks React to Coronavirus Threat 09 Apr 2020
407. SUGGESTIONS?: Rescuing Social Security, Medicare, Obamacare, Medicaid and All other Government Programs Serving America’s Seniors 01 Apr 2020
406. UNDECIDED: Trump’s Disregard for America’s Allies Has Many Worried 26 Mar 2020
405. SUGGESTIONS?: I Was Scammed! 19 Mar 2020
404. ISLAM: Reality Comes to the Holy Land 12 Mar 2020
403. ISLAM: Useful Idiots of the World Support Palestinian Arab Terrorists 09 Mar 2020
402. POLITICS: Do Away with the SOTU or Do It Right 03 Mar 2020
401. POLITICS: Republicans Ignored Their Constitutional Responsibility 20 Feb 2020
400. POLITICS: Congressional Hearings – What They’ve Become 13 Feb 2020
399. ISLAM: You’re Not Allowed to Pray to OUR God Here 06 Feb 2020
398. POLITICS: Placing Country Above Party Politics 30 Jan 2020
397. MY STATE: Paying Our Fair Share of Transportation Costs in Massachusetts 23 Jan 2020
394. POLITICS: Who is Getting Rich from the Offices of President and Vice President? 01 Jan 2020
393. POLITICS: Socialists Keep Flogging Proven Failure 27 Dec 2019
392. POLITICS: “Quid Pro Quo” 20 Dec 2019
391. WHATEVER: Racism is NOT Blacks’ Biggest Problem 13 Dec 2019
390. WHATEVER: Beware the Climate Change Terrorists! 06 Dec 2019
389. UNDECIDED: New York Times Wallows in the Gutter 29 Nov 2019
388. GOVT: Bleeding Heart Liberals Talk About Immigration But Do Nothing 22 Nov 2019
387. SUGGESTIONS?: Be Like Me - OR ELSE! 15 Nov 2019
386. SUGGESTIONS?: “Just the Facts, Ma'am!” 11 Nov 2019
385. SUGGESTIONS?: Marijuana Problems Surfacing Since Massachusetts Legalization 08 Nov 2019
384. SUGGESTIONS?: “Loose Lips Sink Ships” 05 Nov 2019
383. POLITICS: Donald Trump Insults ALL – Friend and Foe Alike 01 Nov 2019
382. SUGGESTIONS?: Russian Interference in Elections 25 Oct 2019
381. SUGGESTIONS?: Military Acronyms for the Uninitiated 18 Oct 2019
380. POLITICS: Democrats MUST Unite to Nominate Joe Biden 11 Oct 2019
379. ISRAEL: Israel - the Facts, the Fictions and the Outright Lies 04 Oct 2019
378. POLITICS: Our Elected Politicians Are Not Doing their Jobs 27 Sep 2019
377. SUGGESTIONS?: Online Shopping Before the Internet 20 Sep 2019
376. SUGGESTIONS?: Messages from the “Office” 12 Sep 2019
375. SUGGESTIONS?: Gun Fanatics Using Trojan Horses to Keep Their Deadly Toys 30 Aug 2019
374. UNDECIDED: Tlaib Shows She’s a True Arab 21 Aug 2019
373. POLITICS: We are Losing (Have Lost) the Ability to Civilly Discuss the Issues 16 Aug 2019
372. POLITICS: Is It Time to Restrict Presidential Executive Orders? 09 Aug 2019
371. POLITICS: Donald Trump – The Great American Divider 02 Aug 2019
370. POLITICS: It’s Always the “Innocent” Bystander Who Suffers! 24 Jul 2019
369. SUGGESTIONS?: “You’re a Liar . . . You Have Blood in Your Hands.” 18 Jul 2019
368. POLITICS: Trump's 4th of July Parade 08 Jul 2019
367. SUGGESTIONS?: The Perpetual War on History 05 Jul 2019
366. MY STATE: Greater Boston’s MBTA STILL in Shambles 28 Jun 2019
365. POLITICS: Republicans – Dump Trump Before It’s Too Late! 20 Jun 2019
364. SUGGESTIONS?: The Tyranny of the Minority 14 Jun 2019
363. POLITICS: Trump’s Tariff Threats to Mexico Are Bad for Everyone 06 Jun 2019
362. SUGGESTIONS?: The Insanity Continues 03 Jun 2019
361. WHATEVER: Killing Three Birds with One Stone 31 May 2019
360. GOVT: Comments on Government and More 24 May 2019
359. SUGGESTIONS?: Is American Society Better Off Today Than in Bygone Days? 19 May 2019
358. ISLAM: If the “Palestinians” Had Made Peace With Israel 70 Years Ago 10 May 2019
357. SUGGESTIONS?: Don't Touch Me! 03 May 2019
356. UNDECIDED: Now is Not the Time to Let Our Guard Down 29 Apr 2019
355. ISLAM: "Palestinians" Continue National Suicide 22 Apr 2019
354. ISRAEL: Donald Trump is the Best Friend Israel has Had in the White House 11 Apr 2019
353. SUGGESTIONS?: America Obfuscates and New Zealand Acts 09 Apr 2019
352. POLITICS: Most Republicans and Conservatives Have Sold their Souls to the Devil 21 Mar 2019
351. ISRAEL: The Peoples of Israel 27 Feb 2019
350. SUGGESTIONS?: For Shame, America! 21 Feb 2019
349. POLITICS: It’s time – Dump Trump! 15 Feb 2019
348. SUGGESTIONS?: Electric Cars in My Lifetime? 07 Feb 2019
347. GOVT: America’s Health Care - 2019 03 Jan 2019
346. SUGGESTIONS?: Pothead Nation - A Year-end Follow-up 27 Dec 2018
345. UNDECIDED: HOV Stupidity Never Dies 10 Dec 2018
344. SUGGESTIONS?: Immigration: On One Hand . . . But, On the Other Hand . . . 13 Dec 2018
343. SUGGESTIONS?: Pothead Nation 06 Dec 2018
342. UNDECIDED: America Needs SMART Traffic Management 24 Nov 2018
341. ISLAM: Palestinian-Arabs are Committing Crimes Against Nature 15 Nov 2018
340. ISRAEL: Letters From Israel – From 1984 and 2018 08 Nov 2018
339. SUGGESTIONS?: The ONLY Way to End Gun Violence in America 01 Nov 2018
338. POLITICS: A Failing Governmental Process 11 Oct 2018
337. ISLAM: Palestinian-Arab Fanatics – A Virulent Cancer 05 Oct 2018
336. ISRAEL: Israel Supports American Security 27 Sep 2018
335. POLITICS: McCarthyism Returns to American Politics 21 Sep 2018
334. GOVT: Collectivized Medicine – the First Step 21 Sep 2018
333. POLITICS: Donald Trump – Jekyll and Hyde 31 Aug 2018
332. WHATEVER: No More Mister Polite for Me! 16 Aug 2018
331. SUGGESTIONS?: Free Speech in America Has Died 09 Aug 2018
330. ISRAEL: Not Like Any Other Visit to Israel 03 Aug 2018
329. WHATEVER: Another Reason Why I Hate Television 12 Jul 2018
328. SUGGESTIONS?: Illegal Immigration and Demagoguery 04 Jul 2018
327. SUGGESTIONS?: Growing Intolerance and Incivility in Today's America 01 Jul 2018
326. WHATEVER: Spare Me All Those Irrelevant Statistics! 08 Jun 2018
325. ISLAM: The Ultimate in Chutzpah and Stupidity 25 May 2018
324. GOVT: No Deal is Better than a Bad Deal 11 May 2018
323. WHATEVER: She Said - He Said. Who to Believe? 03 May 2018
322. WHATEVER: The Death of Free Speech in America 16 Apr 2018
321. GOVT: America’s Fiscal Time Bomb 12 Apr 2018
320. ISLAM: Common Sense Finally Coming to the Israel-Palestinian Stalemate? 06 Apr 2018
319. SUGGESTIONS?: When It Comes to Guns, It’s Business as Usual 19 Mar 2018
318. SUGGESTIONS?: When it Comes to Mass Shootings, There are Doers and Then There are Politicians 08 Mar 2018
317. SUGGESTIONS?: "Inappropriate" History 16 Feb 2018
316. WHATEVER: Something All Politicians Can Support – Major TV Advertising Reforms 01 Feb 2018
315. ISLAM: Palestinian-Arabs, Carpe Diem! 09 Jan 2018
314. ISRAEL: Jerusalem IS the Capital of Israel 28 Dec 2017
313. MY STATE: Massachusetts Cheating Its Students 07 Dec 2017
312. SUGGESTIONS?: I’ve Got Mine, the Hell With Everybody Else! 23 Nov 2017
311. SUGGESTIONS?: Enforcing the Law to Make Money 16 Nov 2017
310. GOVT: It’s Still the Debt, Stupid! 07 Nov 2017
309. SUGGESTIONS?: Finding the Shooter Faster 05 Oct 2017
308. ISLAM: The War with Radical Islam 28 Sep 2017
307. SUGGESTIONS?: Respect! 25 Sep 2017
306. ISRAEL: I’m Jewish and Proud of it! 19 Sep 2017
305. WHATEVER: Smoke/CO Detectors Are Hazardous to Seniors 08 Sep 2017
304. UNDECIDED: Getting a Valve Job – 2017 Style 31 Aug 2017
303. ISRAEL: It's Not All Hatred and Terror 25 Aug 2017
302. UNDECIDED: Political Correctness and Historical Revisionism Gone Amok 18 Aug 2017
301. ISRAEL: One Set of Rules for Every Nation in the World - Except Israel 11 Aug 2017
300. UNDECIDED: We Need Some Cruel and Unusual Punishment 03 Aug 2017
299. GOVT: The Ideal Health Care Plan for Everyone 13 Jul 2017
298. WHATEVER: The Start of Welfare Reform – Again! 06 Jul 2017
297. POLITICS: Is It Time for Donald Trump to be Impeached, Removed from Office or to Resign? 29 Jun 2017
296. WHATEVER: Dodd Frank — Time for Change 22 Jun 2017
295. WHATEVER: The Paris Climate Agreement - Trump Finally Got One Right 15 Jun 2017
294. POLITICS: Trump Breaks His Promise 08 Jun 2017
293. GOVT: Trump’s 2018 Defense Budget – Another Con Job 08 Jun 2017
292. GOVT: The Second Amendment in 2017 01 Jun 2017
291. ISRAEL: All Terrorists Aren’t Moslems 25 May 2017
290. GOVT: Americare 18 May 2017
289. GOVT: Single Payer Health Care 11 May 2017
288. ISRAEL: Jerusalem 2017 04 May 2017
287. WHATEVER: Losing the War Against Islamic Extremism 27 Apr 2017
286. UNDECIDED: Today, Who Will be Counted as “Righteous Among the Nations”? 20 Apr 2017
285. ISLAM: Let’s End the Palestinian Temper Tantrums 13 Apr 2017
284. POLITICS: The Right Trump/Republican Reforms are Needed Now 01 Apr 2017
283. WHATEVER: Defense 2017 23 Mar 2017
282. ISLAM: How do You Make Peace with Someone Who doesn’t Want Peace? 09 Mar 2017
281. ISLAM:  Lies, Lies and Damned Lies 26 Jan 2017
280. POLITICS: Welcome Mr. President - 2017! 19 Jan 2017
279. POLITICS: The Obama Legacy - 2017 12 Jan 2017
278. GOVT: Obamacare 2016 05 Jan 2017
277. ISRAEL: The Settlements (?) 30 Dec 2016
276. SUGGESTION: Supporting the Spooks 22 Dec 2016
275. ISRAEL: The Right(?) of Return 15 Dec 2016
274. WHATEVER: Inundated With Commercials, Telemarketing Calls and Spam 08 Dec 2016
273. UNDECIDED: American Jews Hurting Israel and their Fellow Jews 01 Dec 2016
272. WHATEVER: An Eye for an Eye 25 Nov 2016
271. UNDECIDED: Choosing Winners and Losers 17 Nov 2016
270. UNDECIDED: America-Israel Security Cooperation 10 Nov 2016
269. WHATEVER: Bad Government Programs Never Die 03 Nov 2016
268. WHATEVER: The U.N. is at War with Israel 27 Oct 2016
267. GOVT: The “Entitlement” Nation 20 Oct 2016
266. ISLAM:  Why is the U.S. Funding Terrorism? 13 Oct 2016
265. ISRAEL: There are None so Blind as the Useful Idiots of the World 06 Oct 2016
264. WHATEVER: No Harriet Tubman $20 Bills 03 Sep 2016
263. ISRAEL: Israel’s Ultra-Orthodox Conundrum 26 Aug 2016
262. MY STATE: Massachusetts & Illinois – Twins 18 Aug 2016
261. UNDECIDED: Frivolous Legal Delays Cost Everyone 12 Aug 2016
260. UNDECIDED: Thank Israel for UAVs 04 Aug 2016
259. ISRAEL:Israel – An Apartheid State? 28 Jul 2016
258. UNDECIDED: Useless HOV Lanes Will Outlive Us All 21 Jul 2016
257. UNDECIDED: The Iran Nuclear Arms Deal a Year Later 15 Jul 2016
256. POLITICS: Lift Hillary’s Security Clearances! 07 Jul 2016
255. GOVT: My Choices for Worst Presidents in my Lifetime 01 Jul 2016
254. ISRAEL:What Jews/Israel and Moslems/Arabs Contribute to the World – Part 2 24 Jun 2016
253. ISLAM:  What Jews/Israel and Moslems/Arabs Contribute to the World – Part 1 17 Jun 2016
252. WHATEVER: “The Inmates Have Taken Over the Asylum!” 06 Jun 2016
251. WHATEVER: Let’s Put an End to Bomb and Terror Hoaxes 26 May 2016
250. POLITICS: A One- Two- or Three-Party Political System? 21 May 2016
249. GOVT: Fixing the Problem of High College Costs 05 May 2016
248. WHATEVER: Traveler 08 Apr 2016
247. ISRAEL:There are None so Blind as those Who Refuse to See 25 Mar 2016
246. UNDECIDED: All the News that’s Fit to Print? 19 Mar 2016
245. UNDECIDED: It’s Time to Fix a Broken Judicial System 11 Mar 2016
244. ISRAEL: West Bank Arabs Need to Thank Israel 28 Dec 2015
243. ISLAM: Radical Islam Can Only be Defeated by Moderate Muslims 21 Dec 2015
242. GOVT: Obamacare Punishes Seniors Again! 04 Dec 2015
241. POLITICS: Vive Le Charlie! 19 Nov 2015
240. ISLAM: Arab and Moslem Leaders Lie 19 Nov 2015
239. ISLAM: Then They Came For Me 15 Nov 2015
238. ISLAM: Who are the True Friends of the Palestinians? 12 Nov 2015
237. WHATEVER: What I Hate Most About Today’s TV 06 Oct 2015
236. POLITICS: The Never-Ending Political Campaign 30 Oct 2015
235. UNDECIDED: Let’s End European Anti-Semitism 19 Oct 2015
234. GOVT: Government Agencies Not Doing their Jobs 25 Aug 2015
233. GOVT: What are Obama and Kerry Smoking? 17 Aug 2015
232. ISRAEL: The Anti-Israel United Nations 13 Aug 2015
231. MY STATE: Service is Our Least Important Product 10 Aug 2015
230. ISRAEL: The End of Days and the Red Heifer 03 Aug 2015
229. ISLAM: Negotiating in the Bazaar 27 Jul 2015
228. UNDECIDED: "Peace in Our Time!" 22 Jul 2015
227. WHATEVER: The Sky is Falling! 13 Jul 2015
226. MY STATE: Republican Governor Battles to Reform Transit System 06 Jul 2015
225. GOVT: Rewriting the American Constitution in the 21st Century 29 Jun 2015
224. WHATEVER: Fighting For What is Right 19 Jun 2015
223. MY STATE: Boston, Be Bold! 12 Jun 2015
222. WHATEVER: Organic Foods – Good or Bad? 31 May 2015
221. WHATEVER: Restoring America’s Military Might 25 May 2015
220. GOVT: Gutless 19 May 2015
219. WHATEVER: Competing on a Level Playing Field 15 May 2015
218. GOVT: Obamacare Update – Spring 2015 17 Apr 2015
217. GOVT: Update 2015 – Solving America’s Energy Dilemma 10 Apr 2015
216. MY STATE: Massachusetts – Business as Usual 30 Mar 2015
215. GOVT: Rudderless in the Growing Storm 28 Mar 2015
214. UNDECIDED: Message Received and Understood!!! 12 Mar 2015
213. UNDECIDED: The Evil, the Wise and the Blind 06 Mar 2015
212. UNDECIDED: Damn the Jews! 28 Feb 2015
211. UNDECIDED: No Skin in the Game 16 Jan 2015
210. UNDECIDED: Reap the Whirlwind 09 Jan 2015
209. ISLAM: There is No Substitute for Victory 30 Dec 2014
208. GOV'T: Mr. President, You’re no Dwight Eisenhower! 26 Dec 2014
207. UNDECIDED: We’ve Lost Our Common Sense! 20 Dec 2014
206. ISLAM: Palestinian and Islamic Terrorists Deserve No Quarter 12 Dec 2014
205. WHATEVER: The Call for Vigilante Justice 26 Nov 2014
204. GOV'T: The Devil is in the Details 25 Nov 2014
203. WHATEVER: Let's Cut Defense Spending 10 Oct 2014
202. UNDECIDED: Environmentalists and Bureaucrats Combine to Cheat Us 26 Sep 2014
201. UNDECIDED: Don’t Ask Me to Contribute 14 Sep 2014
200. GOV'T: The FAA Is Overstepping Its Authority 14 Aug 2014
199. ISRAEL: You Are Not Jewish – You Are Stupid! 08 Aug 2014
198. ISLAM: World War III – We Are Fighting It Now! 08 Aug 2014
197. WHATEVER: The United Nations is a Failure 04 Aug 2014
196. ISRAEL: What is Humane and What is Inhumane? 31 Jul 2014
195. GOV'T: Playing Fast and Footloose with the Laws and Constitution of the United States 28 Jul 2014
194. ISRAEL: A Message to President Obama and Secretary Kerry About Gaza 24 Jul 2014
193. ISLAM: My Message to the Arabs Living in Gaza 21 Jul 2014
192. GOV'T: Get in Line and Wait Your Turn 16 Jun 2014
191. WHATEVER: The Right Way to Conduct a Business 01 Apr 2014
190. UNDECIDED: Regulations are Killing Small Businesses 06 Jan 2014
189. GOV'T: Usurpation of Power 27 Dec 2013
188. WHATEVER: PC Stupidity 12 Dec 2013
187. ISLAM: Peace in Our Time or Prelude to Armageddon? 05 Dec 2013
186. GOV'T: Let Them Spy! 28 Nov 2013
185. WHATEVER: Thanksgiving and Chanukah Together 21 Nov 2013
184. GOV'T: Finding Our Way Back to What Made America Great 14 Nov 2013
183. GOV'T: The Truth About ObamaCare is Now Becoming Apparent 07 Nov 2013
182. UNDECIDED: Drowning in a Sea of Over-Regulation 31 Oct 2013
181. UNDECIDED: Social Security - a Benefit or a Repayment? 24 Oct 2013
180. GOV'T: It's the Debt, Stupid! 18 Oct 2013
179. UNDECIDED: Determining Guilt or Innocence Before the Trial 10 Oct 2013
178. POLITICS: Who is to Blame for the Government Shutdown? 04 Oct 2013
177. WHATEVER: Welfare Fraud 01 Oct 2013
176. GOV'T: Syria, Bloody Syria 09 Sep 2013
175. UNDECIDED: Anti-Semitism Hiding in the Closet! 03 Sep 2013
174. ISRAEL: The Other Side of Israel 29 Aug 2013
173. GOV'T: ObamaCare - 2013 22 Aug 2013
172. MY STATE: Massachusetts: Democratic, Unionized and Very Expensive - Part 2 15 Aug 2013
171. WHATEVER: An Inconvenient Truth – Part 2 19 Jul 2013
170. ISRAEL: “Boycott, Divest and Sanction Israel” 12 Jul 2013
169. ISRAEL: No More Cries of “Israel is Drying Out!” 08 Jul 2013
168. MY STATE: Massachusetts: Democratic, Unionized and Very Expensive 02 Jul 2013
167. WHATEVER: Our Un-American College Campuses 21 Jun 2013
166. UNDECIDED: I Spy! 10 Jun 2013
165. UNDECIDED: Bikes and Motor Vehicles Can’t Co-exist on Boston Streets 06 Jun 2013
164. POLITICS: Will They Never Get the Message? 30 May 2013
163. GOV'T: Down the Slippery Slope 27 May 2013
162. WHATEVER: The 2013 Boston Marathon Bombing 22 Apr 2013
161. ISRAEL: President Obama Visits Israel 04 Apr 2013
160. GOV'T: Kill ObamaCare Before it Makes Us All Sicker 28 Mar 2013
159. UNDECIDED: “The Innocents Abroad” in 2013 21 Mar 2013
158. GOV'T: Hagel Confirmed as Secretary of Defense – IN YOUR FACE! 14 Mar 2013
157. GOV'T: Serving the Public 07 Mar 2013
156. GOV'T: Hillary Clinton - America's Greatest Secretary of State? 01 Mar 2013
155. GOV'T: A Smoke Screen 31 Dec 2012
154. GOV'T: Not so Far-Fetched Fables 24 Dec 2012
153. ISRAEL: From Now On - Less and Less 17 Dec 2012
152. GOV'T: American Immigrants – Legal and Illegal 10 Dec 2012
151. GOV'T: To Avoid the Fiscal Cliff, Carpe Diem! 03 Dec 2012
150. GOV'T: Avoiding Economic Armageddon 26 Nov 2012
149. ISRAEL: Crocodile Tears 20 Nov 2012
148. WHATEVER: The Nobel Peace Prize Has Become a Joke 19 Nov 2012
147. POLITICS: It’s a Lie! – The Rich Don’t Pay the Same Taxes as the Poor 13 Nov 2012
146. WHATEVER: Political Correctness is Destroying Public Education 25 Oct 2012
145. GOV'T: National Defense 18 Oct 2012
144. GOV'T: Where is America Going? 11 Oct 2012
143. GOV'T: Survival of the Least Fit 04 Oct 2012
142. POLITICS: I'm Voting for . . . Because . . . 27 Sep 2012
141. UNDECIDED: Deteriorating Journalism 13 Sep 2012
140. POLITICS: Election Distractions 06 Sep 2012
139. ISLAM: We Can’t Co-exist with Radical Islam 23 Aug 2012
138. MY STATE: Politics and Pandering 16 Aug 2012
137. POLITICS: President Obama Finally Says What He Believes 09 Aug 2012
136. WHATEVER: An Inconvenient Truth 03 Aug 2012
135. ISRAEL: Palestinians Pray to Allah that Obama Defeats Romney 30 Jul 2012
134. MY STATE: The Silly World of Chelm Has Moved to Massachusetts 26 Jul 2012
133. SUGGESTION: You Have No Right to Insult Me with Your Profanity 08 Jul 2012
132. GOV'T: An Affordable College Education Plan 08 Jul 2012
131. GOV'T: They Say Jump and We Jump 28 Jun 2012
130. GOV'T: Where’s My Refund? 22 Jun 2012
129. POLITICS: Let’s Stop Acting Like Spoiled Children 22 Jun 2012
128. MY STATE: Political News from the People’s Democratic Republik of Taxachusetts 07 Jun 2012
127. UNDECIDED: I Say “No” to Gay Marriage 21 May 2012
126. WHATEVER: Corporate Stupidity 14 May 2012
125. UNDECIDED: Get Poor Charlie off the M(B)TA 11 May 2012
124. POLITICS: Mitt Has It Right 11 May 2012
123. POLITICS: Vote for Diversity 11 May 2012
122. GOV'T: Why Does it Cost So Much to go to College? 07 May 2012
121. POLITICS: There’s Nothing I Can Do --- I’m Only the President 12 Apr 2012
120. ISRAEL: Middle East Fantasies 09 Apr 2012
119. ISRAEL: A Taste of Israel
20 Mar 2012
118. GOV'T: Just One More Reason to Privatize Social Security 02 Mar 2012
117. UNDECIDED: Get Out of the Way Before You Get Run Over! 09 Jan 2012
116. GOV'T: Armageddon Awaits 09 Jan 2012
115. MY STATE: Massachusetts --- Democratic, Liberal and Totally Clueless 31 Dec 2011
114. MY STATE: Why Does Massachusetts Keep Re-electing Barney Frank to Congress? 25 Nov 2011
113. GOV'T: Government Gone Haywire 11 Nov 2011
112. WHATEVER: What Makes Democrats Similar to Old-Style Communists? 14 Oct 2011
111. GOV'T: Government Bureaucracy, Regulation and Red Tape 28 Aug 2011
110. UNDECIDED: What is a Fair Share? 28 Aug 2011
109. SUGGESTION: Smith Adult Sports and Fitness Camp - Vacation with a Purpose 28 Aug 2011
108. UNDECIDED: What’s Wrong with American Education? 22 Jul 2011
107. UNDECIDED: What Today’s “Liberals” Have Become 08 Jul 2011
106. UNDECIDED: Mandated Health Care Comparisons 08 Jul 2011
105. ISRAEL: Whither Israel and its Arab/Palestinian Neighbors? 30 Jun 2011
104. ISRAEL: Stabbed in the Back – Again! 21 May 2011
103. WHATEVER: Another Dog and Pony Show 19 May 2011
102. WHATEVER: Time to Play but No Time to Learn 12 May 2011
101. GOV'T: Big Government is Eating Our Lunch 10 Mar 2011
100. ISRAEL: Jews/Israelis are Different from Muslims/Arabs 30 Sep 2010
99. GOV'T: Thank You President Bush 30 Sep 2010
98. POLITICS: The President Takes With One Hand and Gives With the Other 30 Sep 2010
97. ISLAM: It's Time to Stop Being Nice 30 Sep 2010
96. WHATEVER: Save the Trees and Stop Stuffing my E-Mail Inbox 30 Sep 2010
95. WHATEVER: Random Thoughts 31 Aug 2010
94. GOV'T: Democrats' Spending Spree May Leave Us Defenseless 31 Aug 2010
93. GOV'T: Public Versus Private Employment and Labor Unions 31 Aug 2010
92. WHATEVER: Unintended Consequences 31 Aug 2010
91. GOV'T: Hey - I Want my Vote for President to be Counted! 12 Aug 2010
90. POLITICS: Do You Miss Me Yet? 30 Jul 2010
89. GOV'T: President Obama, You Lie! 30 Jul 2010
88. MY STATE: The Gang that Can’t Shoot Straight 30 Jul 2010
87. POLITICS: Obama and his Democratic Liberal Supporters are Closet Socialists 08 Jul 2010
86. ISLAM: Why do the “Palestinians” Seem so Stupid? 04 Jul 2010
85. ISLAM: Gaza – The Solution 17 Jun 2010
84. GOV'T: The Cure is Worse than the Ailment 14 Jun 2010
83. WHATEVER: Catastrophe or Opportunity 14 Jun 2010
82. UNDECIDED: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly 14 Jun 2010
81. ISRAEL: Israel Says Welcome to All – What do the Arabs Say? 14 Jun 2010
80. WHATEVER: The New Definitions of Chutzpah - "Blame the Victims" 13 Jun 2010
79. UNDECIDED: Living with Rose-colored Glasses in the Ivory Tower 13 Jun 2010
78. ISRAEL: Just What Israel Needs – Another Enemy! 01 Apr 2010
77. POLITICS: The Day American Democracy Died 01 Apr 2010
76. ISRAEL: Establishment of the Nation of Yehudastine 01 Apr 2010
75. POLITICS: The Buck Stops Here 01 Apr 2010
74. UNDECIDED: The Sailors in My Navy can Out-drink the Sailors in your Navy 19 Jan 2010
73. POLITICS: The Shot Heard Round the Country 19 Jan 2010
72. POLITICS: The Economics of Politics 22 Jan 2010
71. WHATEVER: Making Air Travel Safer 22 Jan 2010
70. WHATEVER: Mercenary or Patriot? 07 Jan 2010
69. UNDECIDED: The continuing decline of (the not so) Great Britain 07 Jan 2010
68. WHATEVER: Don't let the Facts Stand in the Way of Political Ambition 28 Dec 2009
67. POLITICS: The Best Health Care that Can be Obtained by Bribery 28 Dec 2009
66. GOV'T: Nero is Still Fiddling as Rome Continues to Burn 18 Dec 2009
65. ISLAM: What's Happened to America's Common Sense? 18 Dec 2009
64. UNDECIDED: It's the Economy, Stupid! 18 Dec 2009
63. ISLAM: Wake up America -- WE ARE AT WAR!!! 18 Dec 2009
62. UNDECIDED: You could have heard a pin drop 18 Dec 2009
61. GOV'T: Love/Hate - A Senior's Health Care Reform Dilemna 19 Nov 2009
60. MY STATE: C'mon Governor Patrick, Let's See You Get Out There and Lead! 05 Nov 2009
59. MY STATE: SHAME!!! 27 Sep 2009
58. POLITICS: Obama, Israel and the Arabs 2009 11 Sep 2009
57. POLITICS: Who are the Liberals Protecting - America or the Terrorists? 11 Sep 2009
56. GOV'T: Mr. President, I Don’t Want Your Health Care Program!!! 01 Sep 2009
55. POLITICS: Welcome Mr. President! 24 Jan 2009
54. UNDECIDED: How about a Stimulus Package for Senior Citizens? 22 Nov 2008
53. MY STATE: I ain't going to take it no more! 16 Nov 2008
52. GOV'T: It’s Time for Congressional Term Limits 16 Oct 2008
51. GOV'T: Do We and Our Elected Officials Have the Will? 16 Oct 2008
50. POLITICS: Blind to the Lessons of History 16 Oct 2008
49. GOV'T: Why I’ll vote to eliminate the income tax in Massachusetts 16 Oct 2008
48. UNDECIDED: The Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of a Free Lunch 28 Sep 2008
47. POLITICS: Why the Democrats Keep Turning Me Off 21 Aug 2008
46. GOV'T: A few simple baby steps to begin solving the “energy crisis” 30 Jun 2008
45. POLITICS: Then and Now 30 Jun 2008
44. WHATEVER: So You Think Your Car's a Lemon? 30 Jun 2008
43. WHATEVER: Stop the “Stop Loss” 26 May 2008
42. WHATEVER: Cutting off one's nose to spite one's face 26 Apr 2008
41. WHATEVER: THE FUTURE IS HERE - Get Verizon FiOS Now 26 Apr 2008
40. UNDECIDED: Please Come to Massachusetts 23 Apr 2008
39. WHATEVER: The shame of it all 10 Apr 2008
38. UNDECIDED: Comic Relief 08 Mar 2008
37. WHATEVER: Driven to Distraction 03 Apr 2008
36. ISLAM: Do unto others as they would do unto you 10 Mar 2008
35. ISLAM: Middle East Reality 08 Mar 2008
34. UNDECIDED: Long Live the Liberal (and Democratic) Kingdom of Taxachusetts 03 Mar 2008
33. GOV'T: Democrats Again Fail the American People 24 Feb 2008
32. UNDECIDED: The Smart Car is Here, But is it Smart Enough? 24 Feb 2008
31. GOV'T: We Americans Can be Our own Worst Enemies 22 Feb 2008
30. POLITICS: A Message to “my” Republican Party 22 Feb 2008
29. GOV'T: Let's replace the income tax with the "Fair Tax" 14 Feb 2008
28. POLITICS: Let’s Fix the Presidential Electioneering Stupidity 22 Jan 2008
27. WHATEVER: Punish the Successful and Reward the Incompetent 22 Jan 2008
26. UNDECIDED: Spelling it Out 10 Dec 2007
25. WHATEVER: Why can't we just get along? 26 May 2007
24. UNDECIDED: Save me from the well intentioned do-gooders 03 May 2007
23. GOV'T: They've got us over a barrel 02 May 2007
22. GOV'T: No More Income Taxes!!!
18 Apr 2007
21. ISLAM: The Coming Armageddon 06 Apr 2007
20. WHATEVER: Which States are Racist and Practice Apartheid? 13 Jul 2007
19. ISLAM: Will the World Come to the Aid of the People of Dafur? 25 Mar 2007
18. POLITICS: Democrats and Liberals Being Democrats and Liberals 05 Mar 2007
17. GOV'T: America Needs 4 to 7 Dollar-a-Gallon Gasoline 02 May 2007
16. WHATEVER: There has to be a Better Way 30 May 2006
15. GOV'T: Helping the Government Win the War Against Terrorism 18 May 2006
14. UNDECIDED: Solving the Personal Urban Transportation Dilemma 21 Feb 2006
13. UNDECIDED: Save the Trees - Please! 21 Feb 2006
12. POLITICS: Bush vs. the Bushophobic Demoliberals 28 Dec 2005
11. UNDECIDED: Extremism and Wal-Mart 16 Dec 2005
10. WHATEVER: When will America realize that we are at war? 11 Dec 2005
9. ISRAEL: How the Palestinian terrorists can win 09 Dec 2005
8. GOV'T: Solving America's Energy Dilemma 15 Nov 2005
7. UNDECIDED: Outdated and thoughtless traffic planning 01 Nov 2005
6. ISLAM: Do the Arabs really want peace with Israel? 08 Nov 2005
5. WHATEVER: Stop the liability tort madness 31 Oct 2005
4. ISRAEL: An independent Palestinian State can't survive 18 Oct 2005
3. WHATEVER: Boo-Birds and Monday-morning Quarterbacks 16 Oct 2005
2. ISRAEL: Who are the real Palestinians and what is the real Palestine? 10 Oct 2005
1. GOV'T: It’s time to get rid of the tax man 08 Oct 2005

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