The Chickens are Leaving the Roost in Massachusetts

The Chickens are Leaving the Roost in Massachusetts

© David Burton 2021


     Living in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has both its advantages and also its disadvantages. One of the disadvantages is the overwhelmingly Democratic, progressive, liberal and left-leaning politics that have led to Massachusetts being renamed Taxachusetts. The negative consequences of this political and social environment have become apparent in recent years.

     “Wealthy residents and businesses are leaving the state at a troubling rate - an exodus that could grow now that working remotely is gaining widespread acceptance, [Emphasis mine] a new Pioneer Institute report states.
     “Massachusetts has seen a net loss of $20 billion to other states, especially New Hampshire and Florida where taxes are much lower, the report warns.
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     “. . . wealthy residents have been packing up and moving out of state over the last 25 years, taking with them much-needed taxable income. . . some $20.7 billion in adjusted gross income left Massachusetts between 1993 and 2018.
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     “The brain drain from Massachusetts . . . has resulted in no-income-tax states like Florida capturing 46% of the lost wealth and New Hampshire 26%.
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     “. . . wealth migration out of Massachusetts is a ‘nightmare scenario’ . . . that will only get worse in our 'Zoom economy'.” (Ref. 1)

     Massachusetts would do well to look at what has been happening in that bastion of socialistic liberalism – California. People and companies are leaving the state in droves. So what has led to the erosion of California as a state of opportunity and a desirable place to live? The clear-cut answer is liberalism and one political party rule – that of the Democratic Party.

     “California’s state nickname is ‘the Golden State.’ Very appropriate today, as it takes a lot of gold to live in California. The Democrat legislature seems to believe that if it moves or breathes in California, tax it. Liberalism is ruining the beautiful Golden State. (Ref. 2)

     “Liberalism has been advanced almost unchallenged in California . . . Twenty-five percent of the nation’s homeless live in California. The liberals claim a booming economy and ignore the stark underground of the state’s desperately poor.
     “It’s no secret that the entire state of California is experiencing a large and sustained out-flow of residents, but Los Angeles County, in particular, is showing the biggest losses. The question is why.
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     “{One reason is high labor costs, driven by unionization with its restrictive work rules.} And it’s not just unionized labor that’s expensive in California. . . California has the second-highest minimum wage in the country at $13 an hour, though that’s set to increase to $15 an hour by 2022. And . . . many businesses in the state are being told they need to hire their freelancers as (far more expensive) permanent employees.
     “Not only that, but California’s real estate and housing markets are among the most expensive in the country, a trend that shows no real sign of improving. The state’s zoning and building regulations make innovation difficult. . .
     “Yet California has some of the highest state taxes in the country. Last year alone, the state witnessed nearly 300,000 taxpaying residents vote with their feet and flee the state. [Emphasis mine] Billions in revenue lost. California is a disgrace.” (Ref. 3)

     A study conducted by United Van Lines some two years ago pointed to the growing problem of population loss in Massachusetts. The study tracked its customers' state-to-state migration patterns in 2018 and showed that residents most often come and leave for jobs.

     “The study found 55.7 percent of all people migrating to or from Massachusetts were in fact leaving the Bay State, making it the seventh-most ‘outbound’ state in the country. [Emphasis mine] . . .” (Ref. 4)

     The study data data aligns well with longer-term migration patterns which have historically been driven by factors such as job growth, lower costs of living and state budget challenges. It should be evident why here in the one-political-party-state of Massachusetts, companies are picking up their marbles and relocating to less expensive and less restrictive states. Here in Taxachusetts, we are witnessing the movement of people and businesses to New Hampshire, Florida and other more financially welcoming and business friendly states. They are taking with them much-needed taxable income. Who will be left to pick up the bill?


  1. Taxes driving wealth out of Massachusetts and into Florida, New Hampshire, Joe Dwinell, Boston Herald, Page 16, 2 February 2021.
  2. From the Right: Liberalism is ruining California, Russ Sloan, Daily Commercial, 23 June 2019.
  3. The Consequences of Democratic-Socialism Are Becoming Apparent in California, David Burton, Son of Eliyahu; Article 410, 23 April 2020.
  4. People Are Fleeing Massachusetts - Here's Why, Mike Carraggi, Patch, 4 January 2019.


11 March 2021 {Article_464; State_23}    
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