A Jew With a Voting Problem

A Jew With a Voting Problem

© David Burton 2024

Joe and Donald

          This year -2024 - there will be a national election in November. Up until the beginning of this year, I thought I knew who would be receiving my vote for president. That has changed radically. At first, I knew for whom I would most definitely not most definitely cast my ballot for president - Donald Trump

     I was pretty much a conservative Republican-leaning voter throughout my 70-years of voting. If I wouldn't consider voting for Donald Trump for president, who would I support? With the primary elections coming up in March of 2024, I decided to support Nikki Haley to be the Republican presidential candidate. Accordingly, I sent in donations to her campaign. When Nikki Haley withdrew as a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, I was greatly disappointed. That left me with very little choice. As I previously wrote,[1] come November 2024, I would hold my nose and vote for the Democratic candidate for president – most likely Joe Biden.

     Nikki Haley, please come back!

     I can undestand why you suspended your campaign for president, but the sitution is becoming ever more dire. Trump continues to prove that he is a dangerous Egomaniac. Biden has shown that Israel cannot depend on him - votes mean more to him than Israel's very survival. Both Trump's Republican Party and Biden's Democratic Party have strayed from their ideals and basics. The Republican Party has been transformed into a MAGA cult with Donald Trump the cult leader casting his evil spell over the cult members

     The Democractic Partry has been transformed into an extreme left-wing anti-Israel "progressive" party supposedly concerned with racial and minority rights - except when it comes to Jews!

     Nikki Haley, please restart your quest for the office of president, either as a true Republican or as a consevative 3rd part candidate that can unite this country rather than divide it.

     While I would have preferred someone other than Joe Biden, I could at least draw comfort from the fact that he and the Democratic Party in general had been staunch supporters of the State of Israel, a fact that was extremely important to me as a practicing Jew and a life-long supporter of the Jewish nation.

     Starting early in 2024, all that suddenly changed!

     President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party are just the latest in a long line of closet Anti-Semites to desert the Jewish people and the Jewish nation in a time of existential danger. In 2024, Biden and the Democrats found themselves in a tough spot. Their far-left base was enraged over their ostensible support of Israel. Instead of acting with integrity despite the electoral cost and standing by a loyal ally in its time of need, the Biden regime made a series of moves to betray Israel and give aid and comfort to its enemies. In March of 2024, Biden and his Democratic administration was mulling over a step that would constitute the biggest betrayal of all and would hand victory to the Hamas jihad terror group. For the unprincipled Biden regime apparatchiks, it was all about winning in November.
     The New York Sun reported in late March 2024 that Old Joe and his henchmen were “reportedly considering leaving Israel short of the armaments it needs to fight Hamas.” The threat was made if Israel would not comply in writing to National Security Memorandum 20.
     The memorandum was not exactly a venerable cornerstone of American foreign policy. It was only a few weeks old, dating from 8 February. It sought, among other things, to “prevent arms transfers that risk facilitating or otherwise contributing to violations of human rights or international humanitarian law.”
     Given the fact that Biden issued the memorandum during a time when Israel was being falsely accused of massive human rights violations and when the Biden regime was under heavy pressure to betray Israel or face a massive loss of votes from Muslims and their allies in November, this memorandum had the look of a trap that was being laid and was about to be sprung.
     Israel was faced with a new rule the Biden regime just made up, that arms sales could only go to nations that respected “international humanitarian law.” Israel does respect this law; independent observers have dubbed the IDF “the most moral army in the world.” Irrespective of the facts, the international outrage, however, was at growing against the Jewish state. Anti-Semitism had become endemic throughout the world. The victim had become the wrongdoer.
     The terror group Hamas eagerly fueled that outrage, fabricating casualty numbers before a world that was all too eager to be fooled, and even preposterously claimed that Israel was conducting a “genocide.”
     Meanwhile, Old Joe’s new rule was being applied selectively. The Sun notes that “In reality, arms are sold to foes and allies alike in all five continents, with little notice of rights violations. Mr. Biden urged Congress last month to approve the sale of F-16s to Turkey, even as it massacres Kurds in Iraq and Syria.”
     This was just the latest in a growing series of indications that the Biden regime was abandoning Israel and pulling for a Hamas victory.
     After threats from Nihad Awad of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and Anti-Semitic Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Gaza City) to withhold the Muslim vote if the Biden regime didn’t betray Israel, the regime began doing just that, step by step, in slow motion, sending $100 million to Gaza and $10 billion to Hamas’ financiers, the Islamic Republic of Iran, and putting ever-increasing pressure on the Netanyahu government to surrender to the terrorists that had been attacking that nation for more than seven decades.
     Aside from the monstrous immorality of supporting the forces that really do want to commit the genocide that Israel is falsely accused of committing, this is short-sighted in the extreme.
     What do Biden regime apparatchiks think will happen if Hamas defeats Israel and survives this war? Do they think that the Islamic jihadis will be so overflowing with gratitude to the U.S. that they won’t ever strike Americans or U.S. interests? They’re in for a rude surprise! [2]

     The Biden's administration's failure to veto a U.N. Security Council vote calling on Israel to declare an "immediate casesefire" in Gaza was just one more berayal of the Jewish nation by the Biden administrtion. In addition to sacrficing Israel's security, this also handed a major victory to Hamas, Iran and their terrorist allies. With the U.N. demanding an end to the war, there is no reason for Hamas to stop trying to hold those parts of Gaza still under its control. Nor is there andy reason for it to release those hostages it still holds captive.

     I can undestand why you suspended your campaign for president, but the sitution is becoming ever more dire. Trump continues to prove that he is a dangerous Egomaniac. Biden has shown that Israel cannot depend on him - votes mean more to him than Israel's very survival. Both Trump's Republican Party and Biden's Democratic Party have strayed from their ideals and basics. The Republican Party has been transformed into a MAGA cult with Donald Trump the cult leader casting his evil spell over the cult members

     The Democractic Partry has been transformed into an extreme left-wing anti-Israel "progressive" party supposedly concerned with racial and minority rights - except when it comes to Jews!

     Nikki Haley, please restart your quest for the office of president, either as a true Republican or as a consevative 3rd part candidate thatcan unite this country rather than divide it.

     Like me, Alan Dershowitz plans to enter the voting booth in November with an “open mind.” Although the Harvard Law School professor emeritus is an avowed Democrat, he stated in a video on social media in late March 2024 that his “red line” would be U.S. President Joe Biden cutting off ammunition and arms to Israel. “I want President Biden to understand this clearly,” Dershowitz said in the video. “If he cuts off arms to Israel, and prevents Israel from defending itself against Hamas aggression, I promise you I will not vote for Joe Biden.”
     “If you cross that red line,” he added, “I will go out and campaign and urge people not to vote for you.”
     Dershowitz told the Jewish News Service ((JNS) that Washington’s decision to abstain, rather than to veto, a ceasefire resolution at the United Nations Security Council figured particularly into his calculus.
     “I would have a very hard time today voting for a ticket that contained Kamala Harris,” he told JNS of the U.S. vice president.
     “. . . I don’t like the policies [Biden’s] pursuing now,” Dershowitz said. “I don’t like the U.N. Security Council resolution . . .”
     Harris had said that a prospective Israeli military operation in Gaza’s Rafah city would be a “huge mistake” - an assessment that senior Biden administration officials have been making for more than a month. In an interview, Harris did not rule out the possibility that there could be consequences for Israel if it launched a major ground operation in Rafah without accounting for Palestinian civilians.
     Dershowitz was more explicit about his views about the U.N. resolution during an interview with Israel’s Channel 12. “It encourages Hamas to not accept any kind of a reasonable offer of a deal for hostages and ceasefire,” he said. “It gives Hamas everything it wants without demanding realistically anything in return. It will lengthen the war. It will make it more difficult for Israel.”
     “It is a terrible decision for America,” Dershowitz added. “It’s a terrible decision for Israel.”
     The 85-year-old Democrat, who said he has never voted for a Republican president, was asked if he would cast a ballot for former president Donald Trump in November. Dershowitz was noncommittal, leaving the door open for other candidates, despite having voted for Democrats since 1960. “There is no longer a presumption that I will vote for Biden. I have an open mind. I want to see what the various candidates say about Israel, about the ongoing situation and I will make up my mind at the last minute,” he told JNS by phone during a visit to the Jewish state.
     “I have an open mind on the election. My vote cannot be taken for granted,” Dershowitz told JNS. He added that he is “deeply concerned” about the direction the Democratic party is taking “toward woke and away from Israel.”
     Dershowitz said that he advised Trump on several issues when Trump was president, including “the Golan Heights and Jerusalem.” Washington officially recognized the former as sovereign Israeli territory on March 25, 2019. Trump formally acknowledged the latter as Israel’s capital on Dec. 6, 2017 and subsequently moved the U.S. embassy there from Tel Aviv.[3]

     On April 7, 1992, then-Senator Joe Biden criticized those who interfered in Israel’s affairs.
     He declared: “The absurd notion that publicly vilifying Israel will somehow change its policy; who in the hell do we think we’re dealing with? What makes us think, even if the administration is 100% correct on the policy, what makes them think that in the midst of an election campaign, in the midst of a so-called peace talk, that we can publicly vilify a nation, persons, and think that a leader is going to say, now I will yield before the world and God, because I’ve been told? What in the hell do we think we’re doing?”
     Biden noted, “Why, why is there any incentive for the Arabs to make any compromise, any compromise, in the peace talks? Why, if they know that they must only wait for the United States to do their bargaining for them? Why would they compromise? Why would they be reasonable?”
     Interestingly, James Baker was serving as secretary of state at the time. Baker is infamous for his comment “F— the Jews, they don’t vote for us anyway.” Baker’s comments proved a self-fulfilling prophecy. His boss, President George H.W. Bush, went from 35% of the Jewish vote in 1988 to 12% in the 1992 election, which he lost to Bill Clinton.
     Baker wasn’t the first to make such a miscalculation. President Jimmy Carter’s Chief of Staff Hamilton Jordan warned Carter that his policies towards Israel would alienate American Jews. Carter ignored him and went from 71% of the Jewish vote in 1976 to 45% in the 1980 election he lost to Ronald Reagan.
     Today, President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and even Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer appear to have adopted the same failed strategy, except to them, the watchword is, in effect: F— the Jews, they’ll vote for us anyway. But just as Baker and Carter were wrong to discount the Jewish vote, those who do so now to justify policies hostile to Israel do so at their own peril.
     I am one Jew who won’t vote for Biden because of his turning against Israel!
     By strange coincidence, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman is again playing a major role in all this. Back in the early ‘90s, Friedman played tennis with Baker and served as the press mouthpiece for Baker’s policy of blaming Israel for the lack of Middle East peace. At the time, Baker and Bush were pressuring then-Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir to forgo his insistence on bilateral negotiations. They did so by threatening to withhold U.S. loan guarantees intended to assist Israel in absorbing a million olim from the Soviet Union.
     Today, Friedman is once again a mouthpiece, this time for the Biden administration’s policy of attacking Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over Israel’s defensive war against Hamas. Rather than insist on Hamas surrendering and releasing all the hostages - including the American ones - which would end the war immediately, the administration is more interested in pandering to a few thousand Muslim voters in swing states who hate Israel and often support Hamas. This is an offensive and self-destructive policy.
     There are already strong signs that, as a result of his misguided approach, Biden is hemorrhaging Jewish support. A Sienna poll of New York voters found former President Donald Trump winning the Jewish vote by a wide margin. This is in keeping with the results of the 2020 election, which saw Trump’s share of Florida’s Jewish voters rise from 23% in 2016 to 41%.
     The overwhelming majority of American Jews and Americans in general support Israel and disdain Hamas. The exponential rise in antisemitic incidents and failure of Biden’s vaunted plan to combat antisemitism, as well as his failure even to mention the problem in his State of the Union address are also leading many Jews to drop their support for Biden.
     In 1992, Friedman and Baker inadvertently undermined Jewish support for the Republican Party. Friedman and Biden are now doing the same to the Democrats. History demonstrates that sitting presidents who turn on Israel always end up in failure and defeat.[4]


  1. Never Trump!, David Burton, Son of Eliyahu: Article 577, 2 June 2023.
  2. The Biden regime’s latest move to stab Israel in the back, Robert Spencer, World Israel News, 22 March 2024.
  3. ‘No longer presumption I’ll vote for Biden,’ Dershowitz tells JNS, Joshua Marks, Cleveland Jewish News, 27 March 2024.
  4. Biden is risking the Jewish vote, Farley Weiss and Leonard Grunstein, Cleveland Jewish News, 20 March 2024.

  25 April 2024 {Article 620; Politics_90}    
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