
Old Jerusalem
91. Facts of Life for Israel and the Jewish People in 2024 27 Jun 2024
90. Some Nations Help - Others Hinder 23 May 2024
89. Once Again, Jews are Left to Save Themselves 02 May 2024
88. From the Luftwaffe to the IAF 18 Apr 2024
87. Once Again, Jews are Left to Save Themselves 11 Apr 2024
86. Biden Is Deserting Israel 21 Mar 2024
85. Israel Must Decide on When and How to End the War – Not the Anti-Israel Bystanders! 07 Mar 2024
84. Brain-dead or Antisemitic 08 Feb 2024
83. When Israel Was Palestine 04 Jan 2024
82. The One-State Solution 28 Dec 2023
81. Anti-Semitism in Modern America's Colleges and Universities 28 Sep 2023
80. For Jews, Success Breeds Jealousy 17 Aug 2023
79. A False Sense of Security 20 Jul 2023
78. “Are There Good Colleges in Israel?” 15 Jun 2023
77. The Promised Land 8 Jun 2023
76. “Day of Hate” Should Have Been Ignored 11 May 2023
75. Yad Sarah 02 Mar 2023
74. History Lesson for the Jewish People 23 Feb 2023
73. The Road to Abu Ghosh 27 Dec 2022
72. Israel Working to Solve EV Fast Charging Problem 01 Dec 2022
71. Israel Must Retake Control of the Gaza Strip 10 Nov 2022
70. Is the Coming of the Messiah Closer? 06 Oct 2022
69. A Visit to the Beit Hashomer Museum 22 Sep 2022
68. Am I a Bad Jew? 21 Jul 2022
67. Those Who Have Oppressed the Hebrew People Have Not Fared Well 02 Jun 2022
66. Where are Harvard’s Reparations for Jews? 19 May 2022
65. The Black Hebrews of Israel 14 Apr 2022
64. Tiny Israeli Providing Enormous Amount of Aid to War-torn Ukraine 07 Apr 2022
63. The Circassians of Israel 10 Mar 2022
62. The Samaritans of Israel 13 Jan 2022
61. The Hula Nature Reserve and Agmon Hula in Israel 09 Dec 2021
60. Democrats Finally Stand up to Anti-Israel Few in Their Party 02 Dec 2021
59. Hate has No Place in America 04 Nov 2021
58. Jewish Prayers and Readings 30 Sep 2021
57. America Must Continue its Investment in Israel’s Defense 16 Sep 2021
56. Lessons for Israel from American Abandonment of Afghanistan 02 Sep 2021
55. Relations Today and Tomorrow Between Israeli-Jews and Israeli-Arabs – Good or Bad??? 26 Aug 2021
54. It’s Not Only Blacks that Have a Discrimination Problem – Jews do too! 17 Jun 2021
53. Jew Haters of the World Crawling Out From Under their Rocks 10 Jun 2021
52. Liberals Show True Colors – They Hate Israel! 27 May 2021
51. Don’t Believe All the Stories About Israeli Jews and Arabs 14 May 2021
50. Terrorists, Oui! – Jews, Non! 18 Mar 2021
49. Friends of Israel – Christians, Muslims and All Honest People 10 Dec 2020
48. Another Problem in 2020 – Anti-Semitism 04 Sep 2020
47. The Bitter Fruits of anti-Semitism 01 Sep 2020
46. Reclaiming Samaria and Judea 11 Aug 2020
45. Meeting Someone Who Was There 30 Jul 2020
44. Will Today’s Anti-Semitism Save Judaism as in Bygone Days? 25 Jun 2020
43. Israel - the Facts, the Fictions and the Outright Lies 04 Oct 2019
42. Donald Trump is the Best Friend Israel has Had in the White House 11 Apr 2019
41. The Peoples of Israel 27 Feb 2019
40. Letters From Israel – From 1984 and 2018 08 Nov 2018
39. Israel Supports American Security 27 Sep 2018
38. Not Like Any Other Visit to Israel 03 Aug 2018
37. Jerusalem IS the Capital of Israel 28 Dec 2017
36. I’m Jewish and Proud of it! 19 Sep 2017
35. It's Not All Hatred and Terror 25 Aug 2017
34. One Set of Rules for Every Nation in the World - Except Israel 11 Aug 2017
33. All Terrorists Aren’t Moslems 25 May 2017
32. Jerusalem 2017 04 May 2017
31. The Settlements (?) 30 Dec 2016
30. The Right(?) of Return 15 Dec 2016
29. There are None so Blind as the Useful Idiots of the World 06 Oct 2016
28. Israel’s Ultra-Orthodox Conundrum 26 Aug 2016
27. Israel – An Apartheid State? 28 Jul 2016
26. What Jews/Israel and Moslems/Arabs Contribute to the World – Part 2 24 Jun 2016
25. There are None so Blind as those Who Refuse to See 28 dec 2015
24. West Bank Arabs Need to Thank Israel 28 dec 2015
23. The Anti-Israel United Nations 13 Aug 2015
22. The End of Days and the Red Heifer 03 Aug 2015
21. You Are Not Jewish – You Are Stupid! 08 Aug 2014
20. What is Humane and What is Inhumane? 31 Jul 2014
19. A Message to President Obama and Secretary Kerry About Gaza 24 Jul 2014
18. The Other Side of Israel 29 Aug 2013
17. “Boycott, Divest and Sanction Israel” 12 Jul 2013
16. No More Cries of “Israel is Drying Out!” 08 Jul 2013
15. President Obama Visits Israel 04 Apr 2013
14. From Now On - Less and Less 17 Dec 2012
13. Crocodile Tears 10 Dec 2012
12. Palestinians Pray to Allah that Obama Defeats Romney 30 Jul 2012
11. Middle East Fantasies 09 Apr 2012
10. A Taste of Israel 20 Mar 2012
9. Whither Israel and its Arab/Palestinian Neighbors? 30 Jun 2011
8. Stabbed in the Back – Again! 21 May 2011
7. Jews/Israelis are Different from Muslims/Arabs 30 Sep 2010
6. Israel Says Welcome to All – What do the Arabs Say? 14 Jun 2010
5. Just What Israel Needs – Another Enemy! 01 Apr 2010
4. Establishment of the Nation of Yehudastine 01 Apr 2010
3. How the Palestinian terrorists can win 09 Dec 2005
2. An independent Palestinian State can't survive 21 Oct 2005
1. Who are the real Palestinians and what is the real Palestine? 10 Oct 2005
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