Do the Arabs really want peace with Israel?© David Burton 2005 |
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Does the PLO and other Arab countries in the Mid East really want peace with Israel? Let’s remember that the Oslo accord with Arafat and the PLO was predicated on “land for peace.” Israel offered Arafat over 90% of the West Bank and Gaza territories and a capital in East Jerusalem. Seemingly, Israel was prepared to offer land for peace. Were Arafat and the PLO prepared to offer peace for land? Seemingly not. The PLO and most other Arab regimes in the Mid East (Jordan being the notable exception) foster virulent anti-Semitism and inculcate their children with a hatred of Jews and of Israel. This hatred is part of the curriculum taught in the Muslim schools. Newspapers, books, radio and television spew out anti-Semitic vitriol which is usually encouraged by the governments themselves and by fundamentalist Islamic Clerics. Paul Johnson (Ref 1.) notes that the Middle East has become the new epicenter of Jew-hatred. He notes that, “For the last half-century key texts such as the Protocols {of the Elders of Zion, which has been known to be a complete fraud for over a century} and {Adolph Hitler’s} Mein Kampf, as well as locally manufactured tales of Jewish conspiracies, have circulated in all Arab countries. State publishing firms and state radio and television spew a steady diet of poison attacking the Jews and anyone else who can plausibly be associated with them (i.e., the U.S.). In recent years there has been a growing output of anti-American propaganda so that anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism are now intertwined in the minds of many Arabs. This is the poisoned soil from which suicide bombers and al Qaeda have sprung.” Peace will never come to the Mid-East until this brainwashing of the Muslim masses and Muslim children in particular ceases. Even then, it will require the emergence of a new generation of Arab children, untainted by the current anti-Semitic propaganda torrent which is being fed to the region’s Arab populace. For real peace to come to the Middle East, not only must the Arab nations in the region stop their anti-Semitic propaganda and incitements against Israel, but their support of terrorists and terrorism in general must be halted. As yet, such a real and unambiguous renunciation of terrorism is yet to be seen. Consider the following (Ref. 2). “The Middle East Intelligence Bulletin, citing Israeli news sources, reported that the Lebanese Shi’ite group Hezbollah has acquired Russian SA-18 man-portable air-defense systems (MANPADS), probably from Syria. In 2002 Syria reportedly had ordered SA-18s from Russia, but Russia Subsequently cancelled the deal. However, the UAE daily Al-Bayan reported that Hezbollah had already received a ‘first installment’ of SA-18 missiles earlier in the year.” Shoulder-launched infrared-guided surface-to-air missiles [SAM’s] not only pose a threat to Israeli civilian and military aircraft, but, in the hands of terrorist organizations like Hezbollah, pose a major threat to civilian aviation worldwide. Placing SA-18 SAM’s in the hands of Arab terrorists does not lead to peace with Israel nor with anyone else.
Syria There exist three major obstacles to peace and co-existence between Israel and Syria. These are:
While a peace agreement between Israel and Syria has sometimes seemed at hand, each attempt has resulted in disappointment and failure. In 1994, negotiations between Israel and Syria appeared to be nearing a successful conclusion. Two years later, after continuing negotiations, the negotiations ended in failure when Syria’s then president Hafez Assad withdrew from the negotiations. During the negotiations, “Assad insisted that Israel agree to a complete withdrawal from the Golan Heights before he would commit to revealing what concessions he would make in return.” (Ref. 3) The then Israeli Prime Minister Yizhak Rabin insisted during the negotiations that the details of the security arrangements and demilitarization of the Golan Heights region needed to be discussed and agreed to prior to any discussion of returning part or all of the Golan to Syria and a subsequent Israeli withdrawal. “Rabin hinted at a willingness to give up part of the Golan, but only in exchange for concrete assurances about what sort of peace Israel could expect, making clear that he wanted full normalization of relations similar to that between Israel and Egypt” (Ref. 3) (similar to the agreements in the Israeli/Egyptian peace treaty that was signed on March 26, 1979). During the negations that lasted from 1994 to 1996, the Israelis made clear that Syria had to restrain the Hezbollah terrorists operating from Southern Lebanon in order to prove the seriousness of the Syrian intentions. Shortly after the beginning of negotiations, it was reported (Ref. 4) that “Syrian army units raided Hezbollah strongholds and confiscated weapons.” During the two years over which the negotiations dragged on, relative quiet existed between Hezbollah and the Israeli forces in Lebanon. Clearly, Syria had the capability to control the terrorists in Hezbollah, just as for the past 20 year they have had the power to control the actions of the less-than independent government in Lebanon. A renewal of peace talks between Israel and Syria was announced by then President Bill Clinton in December of 1999. As in 1994, the talks were looked upon optimistically. However, in January of 2000, the talks came to an abrupt end. The reason given for the failure of this round of negotiations was Hafez Assad’s insistence on controlling a strip of land alongside Lake Kinneret (the Sea of Galilee), the major source of Israel’s scarce supply of water. There have been no negotiations between Israel and Syria since January 2000. The major issue from the Syrian perspective has always been the return of the Golan Heights which Israel captured during the 1967 War after Syria attacked Israel from its positions there. During the years of negotiations, Israel has offered to return some or all of the land in dispute. In December 1999, a senior government minister said, after a Speech by then Prime Minister Ehud Barak, that “It’s all over, they (the Israeli settlers in the Golan Heights) need to start evacuating.” (Ref. 5) As he left for the January 2000 negotiations with Syria in the United States, Barak said the following (Ref. 6), “Nobody knows what the border line will be, but I did not hide that there is a painful price for an agreement, and we will not sign one for any price. We are going toward a difficult agreement, but one which is necessary to bring an end to the era of wars.” Barak then concluded by saying, “. . . we will not sign an agreement which will not strengthen, in our opinion, the security of Israel.”
The Middle East Peace Process In June of 2003, President George W. Bush attended two meetings to advocate and gain support for his “roadmap to peace” as part of the ongoing “Middle East peace process.” The first was a meeting of Arab states and was held at Sharm el-Sheik in Egypt. The second meeting was held in Aqaba in Jordan with Israel, the PLO and Jordan attending. According to Charles Krauthammer (Ref. 7), both meetings failed to produce concrete advances in the so-called peace process. Krauthammer says, that at Sharm el-Sheik, the representatives of the Arab states present “did not take a single concrete action toward Israel. Egypt did not offer to return its ambassador to Israel [which it previously recalled in support of the intifada]. The Saudis threatened a boycott if Israel was even invited.” The Egyptian position is not surprising in view of its historical dealings with Israel even after signing a peace treaty with Israel in 1979 (that returned the Sinai to Egypt, allowing the Arab states to meet at Sharm el-Sheik). In 2000, Daniel Pipes (Ref. 8) wrote:    “Twenty years of relations between Egypt and Israel since the treaty of 1979 testify bitterly to the same state of affairs. Formally there is peace, but Cairo permits, even sponsors, a vicious propaganda campaign against Israel that includes the crudest forms of anti-Semitism, and it is rapidly building up offensive military forces that could be deployed against the Jewish state. In effect, what Egyptian authorities are telling their people is this: for all sorts of reasons we have to be in contact with Israelis and sign certain pieces of paper, but we still hate them, and you should, too.” This state of affairs exists throughout the Arab states and throughout the worldwide Islamic community. Until this attitude changes, the peace process is doomed to failure, no matter how hard the United States tries. If the United States is fully committed to a real peace process, it and other countries must make it clear to the Islamic world that their duplicitous position will no longer be tolerated. The Arab countries of the Middle East need to understand that peace in the region can only be achieved if they both speak and act in a manner that is consistent with the achievement of peace and stability. Their failure to do so will spell continued misery for the Palestinians and a virtual state of war with Israel. There is much to suggest that this is exactly what these regimes want.
With respect to President Bush’s meeting with Ariel Sharon, Israel’s Prime Minister, and Mahmoud Abbas,
the Palestinian Prime Minister, Krauthammer (Ref. 7) wrote
that nothing concrete was actually achieved,
optimistic public statements to the contrary. He wrote: “Did Abbas recognize Israel as the Jewish state?
No. He refused to give up the Palestinian principle of ‘return', which means eradicating Israel by
flooding it with millions of Palestinian refugees.” With respect to Arab terrorism, Krauthammer
reported that Abbas offered an end to terrorism, but, “until the lip service is carried out,
this is nothing but a restatement of the famous 1993 letter from Arafat to Rabin in which he
pledged that the ‘PLO renounces the use of terrorism and other acts of violence.’”
Abbas’ ability to carry through on his promise is certainly in doubt as shown by the Hamas response,
less than a week after the Aqaba meeting, that it was withdrawing from peace talks with Abbas and
it was promising to continue it’s terror attacks against Israel.
Israeli attitudes and concerns toward the “road map” for peace between Israel and the Palestinians are summarized by Hillel Newman (Ref. 9), the Israeli consul to New England. He noted that Israel’s acceptance of the “road map” was done with the “understanding that Israel’s concerns about the road map will be fully and seriously addressed during the implementation phase of the plan.” He stressed that “Israel’s adoption of the steps of the plan . . . places the burden of proof on the Palestinian leadership.” He further stated that, “The entire peace process relies on his [the Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Abu Mazen] ability to lead the Palestinians toward co-existence with Israel.” Unless and until Abu Mazen is able to effectively address three central issues, Newman stated that peace would not be achieved. The three issues are:
Finally, Newman summarized by saying, “No matter how many agreements are signed or summits convened, without the willingness of the Palestinians and the Arab world to compromise, halt all terrorism and recognize the State of Israel, no lasting peace can be established.”
Contrary to what Islamic terrorists, the Arab nations and their fellow travelers would
hope to have you believe, “The Middle Eats conflict is not about the right to self-determination
of Palestinian Arabs, but rather about the right to self-determination of Israeli Jews.
For a century the Arabs have attempted to block any expression of Jewish self-determination,
using violence, armed aggression, and terrorism. The Arabs today control 22 countries and territory
nearly twice the size of the United States. They refuse to share even a fraction of one percent of
the Middle East with Jews, even in a territory smaller than New Jersey. While there is considerable doubt that any of the Arab nations in the Middle East give a real hoot about the fate of their Palestinian brethren and certainly little to no concern about Jews and the State of Israel, there is some hope that self interest may help convince them to join the U.S. in pursuing an effective Middle East peace. This self-interest is becoming clear to some of the Arab states as they realize that allowing the Palestinian-Israeli condition to fester is feeding the growth of Islamic Fundamentalism which poses a real threat to their own regimes. Egypt and Saudi Arabia are prime examples of Arab countries that have become targets of Islamic Fundamentalist terrorism that threatens to destabilize their despotic regimes. There is also the hope that President George W. Bush (and his successors) may be serious about requiring more than just words from the Palestinians and from the other Arab regimes in the area. While there are these hopes, I, for one, am not yet prepared to bet the farm on these hopes becoming a reality in my lifetime. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------References:
8 November 2005 {Article 6; Islam_01} |